
On this page you will see how much it costs to be a masternode, see the approximate ROI of being a masternode and find the complete step by step guide on how to become one.

What is a Masternode?

A masternode, is a server that is 24/7 accessible to the public sending and receiving information from the network, they are also people who can make governance votes on the network. And for being part of this security process, they get a percentage of profit.

What do I gain by being a Masternode?

The profit of a masternode is defined through the governance and the default configuration in the network, masternodes by default take 2% of each block. Here you have to define 2 things, first, each block gives 1.48 coins per block, which means that you are taking 0.0296 per block. But we must also define that the masternodes do NOT ALWAYS get this reward, here comes a second way to win, which is "A lottery". That is, if you win this lottery, you get your reward.

How can I become a MasterNode?

We will try to explain it in an easy way, to be masternode, there are 2 requirements.

  • One of them is to have a computer accessible to the public through IPv4 or IPv6 that is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To achieve this, we recommend renting a VPS (Virtual Private Server) from: VPS.AG
  • Have the minimum collateral of coins to be able to make the masternode (The current minimum is 800 coins).

Is it profitable to be a MasterNode?

Currencies Required800 KTV824 USD
Coins Per Block1.48 KTV1.52 USD
Percentage Per Block (MN)2%
Block reward (MN)0.0296 KTV0.03 USD
Current Masternodes13+1 (You)
Blocks generated1440Diary

Taking into account the probability of winning that block, which would be 1/14, this would be your approximate gain

It is very important to clarify that these data are taken in real time, including the amount of masternodes and also including the price. This data may increase or decrease over time.

Daily Income3.04457143 KTV3.14 USD0.38%
Weekly Income21.31200001 KTV21.95 USD2.66%
Monthly Income91.3371429 KTV94.08 USD11.4%
Yearly Income1111.26857195 KTV1144.61 USD138.7%

Let's create a masternode

The first thing we have to do is to have the wallet installed on our computer. To install it, go to the "Downloads" page and then choose "Windows" (most used operating system). Downloads

Once you have the wallet downloaded, first we must place the coins needed to mine, remember that currently they are:800 KTV

If you do not have the corresponding amount of coins, then you must first go to your wallet, click on "Receive" and copy the generated wallet. Then on the actual web page, go to "Buy Offline" and buy the 800 coins to your windows wallet. Buy

Once you have the coins and the wallet installed, now you must rent a VPS using VPS.AG, the machine to rent can be the basic one. VPS.AG

From here you should watch the following video tutorial Tutorial

You will need the following link to set up the VPS GitHub